


Zhang Jiu-Cheng's Discourse on the Sage King


林素芬(Lin Su-Fen)


張九成 ; 聖王 ; 心性 ; 天理史觀 ; 即體即用 ; Zhang Jiu-Cheng ; Sage King ; Tianli Shiguan ; Jiti Jiyong




49期(2015 / 06 / 01)


35 - 37+39-74






Through an analysis of the "Discourse on the Sage King" of Zhang Jiu-Cheng (1092-1159), this study examines Zhang's concern with ordering the world and political theory. It also seeks to clarify the reason for the subsequent belief that Zhang's xinxue was the source of Lu Jiu-Yuan's xinxue, by considering texts such as Zhu Xi's evaluation of Zhang's tendency to be inwardly Buddhist though outwardly Confucian. The study has two main parts, the first of which is a discussion of Zhang Jiucheng's historical viewpoint of the unity of a sage king who unifies substance and function (ti yong heyi). Zhang's sage king view of history is a lixue version of a historiography according to Heavenly Principle (lixue), through which the concept of sage king is considered to be a common component of personhood. Thus psychological disposition and action are united with Heavenly Principle as a representation of the highest level of personhood, and becoming a sage king is a possibility for all mankind. The mind (xin) of the sage king possesses both substance and function, both of which are simultaneously present. On the other hand, the way of the actual sage king is through the transmission of Yao-Shun, Tang-Wu, followed by Confucius and Mencius, leading to the realization of the political ideal of a unity of all under heaven. The second part of this study considers Zhang's theory of sage king as part of his understanding of history as a mirror. In this sense, the way of the sage king has the dual functions of reflection through spirit and reflection through deeds, and the mind and body of those who study the way of the sage king will share in that clarity, thereby enabling ancient history to act as a mirror for the interpretation of deeds.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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