


The Possibility Analysis on the Confucian Ethics Transferring and Integrating into the Modern Law Society: The "Zhigong Case" and "Taoying Problem" as the Main Subjects of the Study


陳弘學(Chen Hung-Hsueh)


儒學 ; 法思想 ; 倫理學 ; 儒家倫理 ; 規範競合 ; Confucianism ; law Ideas ; Ethics ; Confucian Ethics and Norm Concurrence




51期(2015 / 12 / 01)


1 - 3+5-40






Confucianism was ever the Chinese mainstream culture, leading Empire political and legal operation for a long time. Only after the introduction of a democratic legal system from the west, Chinese legal system based on "Respect" and "Close Relationship" family law came to abdicate, the Confucian legal thought seems to be difficult to fit the modern legal society based on the right standard. But, the fact is not the case, the reason is that the legal society of law is not a simple order maintenance, but with a solid value standard, so the system design must retain the moral and ethical space, law and morality not as a contradictory specification. Seen from this angle, the Confucian ethics and the law society have many possible to contrast with each other, to specify this idea, this paper is based on "Zhigong Case" and "Taoying Problem" as the study cases: the "Zhigong Case" claims that the father and son crimes should be mutual hidden, the "Taoying Problem" said if the father of Shun (the name of a legendary monarch in ancient China) killed a person, Shun should take his father escape, Confucian ethics seems to conflict with legal norms. This paper reversed this thinking approach, instead of seeking the answers from the inside of the law system, through the rules both the current substantive law and the procedural law, verifying the "Zhigong Case" and the "Taoying Problem" of rationality and time significance, wherein reveals the possibility of Confucian ethics transferring and integrating into the modern legal society.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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