


The Comparative Discourse upon the Standpoints and Methods of the Variorum Authors on Explaining the Shijing during the Southern Song Dynasty: Using Li Shu and Yan Can as the Core of the Study


黃忠慎(Huang Chung-Shen)


《詩序》 ; 漢學 ; 宋學 ; 李樗 ; 嚴粲 ; Shi Xu ; Han Studies ; Song Studies ; Li Shu ; Yan Can




51期(2015 / 12 / 01)


121 - 123+125-158






The Mao Shi Xiang Jie by Li Shu and the Shi Qi by Yan Can were finished respectively during the early and later years of the Southern Song Dynasty. Both used the style of Variorum to explain the Shi Jing. The style of Variorum requires basic elements of not only to spread out various ideas of others or to judge the good and bad but also to present the explanations of oneself. Confronting the old and new explanations of the Shi Jing from the Han Dynasty to the Northern Song Dynasty, Li Shu decided to support the traditional Shi Xu in the respect of the Motifs of poems and have his own rules in interpreting the words of poetry. Using his rules, Li Shu criticized and selected concepts from scholars. His way of interpreting the Shi Jing did not contain any prejudices to the Han Studies and the Song studies. As for Li Shu's gist of reading the Shi Jing, he was inspired by Meng Zi and Northern Song Dynasty philosophers. Yan Can could read literary works by scholars who doubted the Shi Xu from the whole Song Dynasty, but still, he supported the interpretations of the Shi Xu. The main way he used to explain the words of poetry is the way he used the Confucian classics and commentaries to explain the Shi Jing. Although it seems traditional, his concepts in it had the same idea with the Western Hermeneutics by coincidence. Through the discussions in this paper, it is known that although the Han studies and the Song studies have their own merits, they are not totally two different research approaches. However, in the ways and results of the scholarly researches, there are no pros and cons between modern and traditional, hence, they should be treated individually.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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