This article traces the modern food literature in Taiwan to the 1950s, focusing on the works of Lin Hai-yin. Two main themes of Lin’s food writings are family dining and her "hometown food," which refers to both Taiwanese food and Beiping food. With the core concern of "home," her writings reveal the multi-facets and diverse meanings of "home." On the one hand, home dining was presented as a key family event and cultural ritual, while the wife/mother played the operator role of this ritual and her main task was to prepare a "proper meal" recognized by the society. On the other hand, Lin’s writings on hometown food suggested that "hometown" could not only be geographically limited but also be bonded on particular persons and ages. Based on the analysis of Lin’s food writings, this article argues that the meaning of "home" are embodied in the bodily practices of daily life, and it is significant in the contexts of immigrants and the diaspora.
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