There are still controversies regarding the orientation of Zhu Zi’s doctrine. This article attempts to engage the issue from the theory of cultivation in hopes of making certain contributions. Zhu Zi’s main doctrines of cultivation are "to cultivate original nature" and "to study the phenomena of nature in order to acquire knowledge." The article will discuss the former. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the types of "original nature," the content of cultivation for each type, and whether such cultivation works are insufficient. This study summarized that Zhu Zi used the three dimensions of "time sequence," "the relationship between essence and function," "metaphysics and physics" to discuss "original nature." The former two categories could also be divided into two more categories. Therefore, Zhu Zi’s "original nature" includes five meanings, but Zhu Zi’s doctrine’s specific theories on cultivation only included three categories: "thought that has not risen," "small learning in childhood," and "heart as essence." The three categories of cultivation show that Zhu Zi’s cultivation has the following limitations: "lack of metaphysical cultivation of original nature," "empty cultivation," "assisting the margins rather than the nature of works," "part of unconscious work," and "can only become gentlemen but not sages." This shows that there may be differences between Zhu Zi’s doctrine and traditional Confucianism.
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