


The Writing of Museum in Late Qing Overseas Travel Notes


陳室如(Chen Shi-Ru)


旅行 ; 晚清 ; 遊記 ; 康有為 ; 博物館 ; Travel ; Late Qing ; Travel notes ; Kang You-Wei ; Museum




54期(2016 / 09 / 01)


133 - 135+137-166






Displaying cultural artifacts from various countries and a converging point of the material cultures of various civilizations, the museum was an attraction for the majority of travelers during the late Qing dynasty. Through the compression of time and space on its premises, the museum provides an interesting "metaphoric field" and the opportunity for travelers to catch a glimpse of diverse cultures built by others through the display of material objects. From bizarre narratives to a more systematic construction of order, the museum as described in the writings of late Qing travelers gradually developed from a place that showcased the odd and the fantastic to a site for public edification. The Chinese artifacts in the museum provided travelers with the opportunity to revisit the self in a foreign place, with the twisted and vilified images and the artifacts of the motherland looted by the contemporary superpowers conjuring up the vision of an ancient empire in decline. Simultaneously, the museum's comprehensive structure and system also presented travelers with positive images of China's future. In Japan, the museum, shaped along Western lines of order, became a symbol of civilization for travelers; after the First Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895), Chinese travelers to Japan were even more awestruck than to the West. The collection, organization, and presentation of the cultural objects of the motherland by its neighboring country, as representative of a nation's decline, in turn, upended the two nations' relative positions.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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