The toponym, "Zhou" in Zuo Zhuan has two levels: one is "Zhou" of "Jiu Zhou", and the other is "Zhou" of "X Zhou" as a term example. "X Zhou" is a very special administrative unit, and it has two common features: One is the accommodations where outlanders are settled down, and the other is the locations that are mostly in remote borders or far away from downtowns. By using these two features to scrutinize the contents of Jin Hui Gong’s "Zuo Zhou Bing," it is presumed that "Zhou" of "Zuo Zhou Bing" should be the special administrative unit, the accommodation where the "Rong" and "Di" people yielding to Jin Country are settled down. "Zuo Zhou Bing" allows these "Rong" and "Di" people, also the "Zhou" people, to serve as the warriors in order to replenish the damages of personnel and weapons of Jin Country in the "Han Yuan Battle," which is accorded with the meaning of "Jia Bing Yi Duo" after "Zuo Zhou Bing" in Zuo Zhuan in the 15th-year reign of Xi Gong.