


From "Extension of Knowledge" to "Acknowledgment of Terminus of Knowledge": Observing Shift of Wang Yang-Ming School's Focus on Interpretation of Great Learning from Perspective of Huang Jiu-An's Gen Zhi Ideology


侯潔之(Hou Chieh-Chih)


黃綰 ; 大學 ; 知止 ; 致知 ; 陽明後學 ; Huang Wan ; The Great Leaning ; Extension of Knowledge ; Acknowledgment of Terminus of Knowledge ; Wang Yang-Ming School




55期(2016 / 12 / 01)


201 - 203+205-239






After the decease of Wang Yang-Ming, such emphasis decreases the importance of practices in which formerly embedded in the introspection of "Extension of Knowledge." In order to correct the deviation, Jiu-An deepens the reflection on Yang-Ming’s interpretation system of the Great Leaning by consulting I Ching, All of these efforts add up to "Acknowledgment of Terminus of Knowledge" for Jiu-An as the principal of the Great Learning. He deals with the themes of Substance of Mind, Substance, and Function, etc. Under the guideline of "Acknowledgment of Terminus of Knowledge," he completes the bonding of Investigating Things and Extending Knowledge with the mode of integrating internal and external world to propose a new understanding of "Investigation of Things functions as the effect of Extension of Knowledge," which on one hand affirms the priority of establishing Substance in cultivating a person’s character and on the other hand regulates the direction of implementing Extension of Knowledge on human relations. With the understanding of the misstep within the practice of seeking the outside and cultivating the inside of Wang Yang-Ming School and Zhu Xi School, Jiu-an aims to explore an alternative approach which is based on mind cultivation and oriented to the Practical Theory. Ideologically speaking, his interpretation system which centers around the idea of Gen Zhi philosophically shows the conspicuous practical characteristics. His interpretation of integrating "Things" into "Knowledge" also tightens the relations of Knowledge and Practice in the reintegration of Knowledge and Things. His approach of adding the Gen Zhi to "Extension of Knowledge" to value the ethnics play as a pioneer to the movement of rectifying Wang's school in the late period of the Ming dynasty and the promotion of the Practical Theory in the early period of the Qing dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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