The style of Ci liaised closely with the popular culture and served practical functions such as sentimental expression, social intercourse and entertainment. However, the purpose of Ci had shifted from creating a convivial atmosphere for gatherings to social activities of, say, poetry clubs. Ci works even became the gifts that poets presented at celebratory feasts. This talk deals with Liu Ke Zhuang, a renowned poet who flourished in the Southern Song Dynasty, with a special focus on his life and the self-image he manifested in his "Ci-poetry for Birthday Self-Congratulation." The receivers of Ci-poetry for birthday congratulation had changed from the hosts to the Ci writers themselves, which implied that Ci-poetry had become a new literary form for expressing one’s sentiments and ambitions. This variant of Ci happened to be suitable for Liu to exude his bold and unconstrained temperament as well as to vent his grudges and wrath.