


A Comparison between the Taiwanese and Hong Kong Versions of Pure Literature: Reading the Special Column of "Modern Chinese Writers and Works"


蘇偉貞(Su Wei-Chen)


《純文學》 ; 林海音 ; 王敬羲 ; 「近代中國作家與作品」專欄 ; Literature ; Lin Hai Yin ; Wang Jing Xi ; Column of "Modern Chinese Writers and Works"




60期(2018 / 03 / 01)


31 - 63






In January of 1967, the inaugural issue of the journal Pure Literature (Chun Wen Xue), edited by Lin Hai Yin, was published in Taiwan. In the second issue, Lin, by launching the special column "Modern Chinese Writers and Works," reviewed May Fourth writers and works in the 20s and 30s and, proclaimed that "these works are re-published to compensate for readers' disjointed understanding of modern Chinese literary works." It was "difficult and risky" to do so because of the censorship in the 60s; however, Pure Literature succeeded in recalling our reading memories by having reviewed twenty-first writers in total-from Xu Di Shan to Chen Xi Ying-and building a temporal corridor which connects Taiwan in 1949 and the May Fourth Literature. The Hong Kong version of Pure Literature, echoing with the Taiwanese version, was inaugurated in April of 1967 by a cultural man Wang Jing Xi. Beginning with similar contents, it inspired the literary zeal of Hong Kong literature and triggered a process of literary reproduction. The Hong Kong version found its "local" expression in Wong's leading. It is a pity that the Hong Kong version is lesser-known in Taiwan: it might be mistaken as the same version or that it is not collected in the National Library. It is a potential-but difficult-research subject for lack of special articles up to now. This study reviews that the Taiwanese version of Pure Literature had ceased publication in February of 1972, with a total of 62 issues. After that, the Hong Kong version strived to keep publishing, changed in the reduction to two-monthly, but ended up stopping publication in December of the same year, with a total of 66 issues. Sharing the same fate, both versions of Pure Literature are worth researching for their roles in the cultural interactions between Hong Kong and Taiwan. This study, by comparing the special column of "Modern Special Writers and Works," explores the different strategies Taiwan and Hong Kong adopted at that time. Whilst the Taiwan version was required to deal with censorship then, the Hong Kong version developed local consciousness to be issue-oriented. By doing so, this study returns to the times of Pure Literature in hope of filling in the gaps in existing research.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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