


Waste Aesthetics - The Study on the Tiny, Remainder and Peculiar Object of Six Dynasties' Fu


祁立峰(Chi Li-Feng)


廢餘 ; 閒散 ; 詠物 ; 六朝 ; 詞賦 ; Waste & Remaining ; Idle ; Seclusion ; Six Dynasties ; Fu




61期(2018 / 06 / 01)


1 - 28






The six dynasties have always been famous for their political darkness and social unstableness. In the past, literature histories emphasize more on the sumptuous formalism and aesthetical literature, thinking that works in this period are mostly heavily elaborated and follow the same pattern. Actually, there is a significant difference in aesthetical leaning and cultural content between writers in the six dynasties and those before them. Take Ci and Fu as an example, Dinggedicht articles became popular in the Six Dynasties. In Dinggedicht, some types of the topic are very exclusive. For instance, tiny objects, remainder objects, peculiar objects, or even pernicious objects became unique features of Fu writers. Although the topic of Dinggedicht seems to have increased, it belies entirely new aesthetics mindset and cultural features. This article, therefore, tries to analyze through the aesthetic value of "waste" and "remainder". By searching for Fu topics that are unique, Dinggedicht featured, or seclusive throughout the six dynasties, the author reanalyzes their consciousness, writing mentality and the relationship between those writers and their era. Last but not least, the author includes the final metaphor of "waste" and "remainder" dialectical writing.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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