


Upright Succinctness and Delicate Structuring: The Characteristics of Zhou Bi Da's Tablet Inscriptions


謝佩芬(Hsieh Pei-Fen)


周必大 ; 碑誌 ; 南宋 ; 冗弱 ; 筆法 ; Zhou Bi Da ; tablet inscriptions ; Southern Song Dynasty ; rong-ruo ("lengthy and weak") ; writing style




62期(2018 / 09 / 01)


1 - 3+5-43






Zhou Bi Da (1126-1204) is a tablet inscription master in the Southern Song Dynasty. Without the common rong-ruo ("lengthy and weak") defect in typical Southern Song prose, Zhou Bi Da's tablet inscriptions, for headstones mostly, enjoy the praise from the contemporary writers as "writing with power and strength." This study will discuss the content and importance of such "power and strength" in his inscription works and also investigate their other characteristics, styling sources, and value so as to manifest his achievement and broaden the perspectives regarding the Southern Song literary history. The characteristics of Zhou Bi Da's tablet inscriptions are analyzed from the following four aspects: the choice of tomb occupants, consideration of Confucian literati's life career, the delicateness of content structuring, and novelty of word choice. Firstly, Zhou seemed to intentionally choose a tomb occupant's unusual character and chivalrous behavior in his inscription writings. It might not only represent the tomb occupant vividly but also tally with Si Ma Qian's "biographies for the great and distinguished" style. In addition, Zhou emphasized the "uprightness" in a tomb occupant's character and at the same time considered the issues of Confucian literati and philosophy through the occupant's life career. Moreover, instead of the orthodox direct opening, Zhou's adjusted novel style, originated from the attitude change in the contemporary tablet-inscription reading and writing, would rather focus on elaborating a tomb occupant's special genealogy, beginning with geographical names, revealing the constant changes in people's life, citing the classics to comment on current events, etc. Lastly, by cleverly rearranging word orders and choices, Zhou was able to create a succinct and vigorous quality as well as a fresh and unique effect in his writings. In this way, he successfully improved the Southern Song prose that had suffered from the lack of power and strength and the problem of verbosity.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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