


Fanqie Theory in the Late Edo Period-the Understanding of Monnou and His Successors


曾若涵(Tseng Jo-Han)


江戶韻學 ; 《韻學楷梯》 ; 反切 ; 門法 ; 等韻學 ; Traditional Phonology in Edo Period ; "Ingaku Kaitei" (韻學楷梯) ; fanqie (Hansetsu, 反切) ; Monnou (文雄) ; "Yunjing" (Inkyou, 韻鏡)




62期(2018 / 09 / 01)


115 - 152






"Ingaku Kaitei" (韻學楷梯) is a guide book of "Yunjing" (Inkyou, 韻鏡) in the late Edo period of Japan, which has also been thought a theory book of Monnou school (文雄學派). The structure of "Ingaku Kaitei" based on the lecture of mentor Monnou (文雄, 1700-1763), and had been noted down by his pupil Kondou Seigai (近藤西涯, 1723-1807), and then been supplement by the disciple named Miura Dousai (三浦道齋 1778-1860). It was over 100 years to cover these 3 scholars, which can stand for one kind of opinion of Traditional Phonology in the late Edo period. By analyzing "Ingaku Kaitei", we can not only get puzzles of the ideas of Monnou, but can also make an overlook to the Yunjing Study (韻鏡學) in the late Edo period with these puzzles. The most important part of "Ingaku Kaitei" is how it explain the Chinese rhyme book "Yunjing" (韻鏡), and how it use the structure of "Yunjing" to illustrate Japanese historical pronunciation of kanji (漢字), especially to kan-on (漢音) and go-on (吳音). In this paper, fanqie theory, the main method which used to explain and connect "Yunjing" to historical pronunciation, showed in detail steps and compared with the Chinese fanqie. It is clear that, there are different ways to apply fanqie and "Yunjing" in different cultures.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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