


The Investigation of the Intertextual Relation between Han Jiang Wang Lin Bian and the Story of Wang Lin before the Tang Dynasty


陸穗璉(Lu Sui-Lian)


敦煌寫本 ; 《漢將王陵變》 ; 王陵故事 ; 互文性 ; Dun Huang Manuscript ; Han Jiang Wang Lin Bian ; The story of Wang Lin ; Intertextuality




63期(2018 / 12 / 01)


1 - 3+5-38






The form of the Dun Huang version of the Han Jiang Wang Lin Bian (The Variation of General Wan Lin of the Han Dynasty) is a variation of history which is combined with singing and speech, rhyme and pros. The prototype of the story of Wan Lin can be traced back to the "Chen Cheng Xiang Shi Jia" (Noble Family of Prime Minister Chen) from the Shi Ji (Record of Grand Historian), and subsequent texts were interpreted based on this, and the most abundant text content was in "Biography of Wang Lin" in Han Shu (History of Former Han), the deeds of Wang Lin before who was conferred nobility was mostly from the Shi Ji, after that was also described in the Shi Ji in detail, but was only mentioned briefly in the Han Jiang Wang Lin Bian. Therefore, the story of Wang Lin of this article will be based on the earliest Shi Ji as the main text of historical literature, and in accordance with some texts of the pre-Tang Dynasty. Based on the intertextuality theory, this article discusses the intertextual relationship between Han Jiang Wang Lin Bian and the story of Wang Lin before the Tang Dynasty from the perspective of synchronicity and diachronicity; and investigate further, from both the conservative and enthusiastic aspect of intertextuality, how Han Jiang Wang Lin Bian inherit from the story of Wang Lin before the Tang Dynasty and it's innovation, in order to verify the relevance and difference between the Dun Huang version of Han Jiang Wang Lin Bian and the story of Wang Lin before the Tang Dynasty, with rich intertextual relations.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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