


"Succession to the Way (Dao Tong)": The Xin'an School in the Encyclopedia of the Four Books (Si Shu Da Quan)


陳逢源(Chen Feng-Yuan)


朱熹 ; 倪士毅 ; 四書 ; 新安學 ; 四書大全 ; Zhu Xi ; Ni Shi Yi ; Four Books ; Xin'an school ; Encyclopedia of the Four Books (Si Shu Da Quan)




63期(2018 / 12 / 01)


39 - 41+43-77






The Yongle Emperor (Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty, 1360-1424) commanded Hu Guang, a Hanlin academician, to compile the Encyclopedia of the Four Books (Si Shu Da Quan). Hu adopted Ni Shi Yi's approach in Collected Exegesis of the Four Books (Si Shu Ji Shi), the confluence of Chen Li's Discovery of the Four Books (Si Shu Fa Ming) and Hu Bing Wen's General Survey of the Four Books (Si Shu Tong). It reveals that Encyclopedia of the Four Books is the achievement of Xin'an scholars' interpretations. In fact, besides Cheng brothers (Cheng Yi and Cheng Hao) and Zhu Xi, the Xin'an scholars whose works were cited in Encyclopedia of the Four Books are as follows: Wang Yan, Hu Ci Yan, Cheng Ruo Yong, Wu Hao, Chen Li, Wang Yan Chang, Zhu Shen, Hu Bing Wen, Zhang Cun Zhong, and Ni Shi Yi. Expelling Cheng Ruo Yong and Wu Hao, who belonged to Rao'lu School, there are eight Xin'an scholars. And there are 1740 citations from them, accounting for 29.52 percent of the materials in Encyclopedia of the Four Books. It is worthy to know that many scholars formed academic clans of their own and illustrated Confucianism in different ways after Zhu Xi. Their works made Confucianism brilliant as well as diverse. After constructing their theory in the beginning, Xin'an scholars deepened their thoughts and used Zhu's doctrine to cohere their neighbors between Song and Yuan Dynasty. Then their work became the foundation of Ming scholars' research on the classics. Taking Zhu's notion as the core of their school eliminated the divergence between Xin'an School and other schools. Xin'an scholars followed Zhu's principle to produce instances and hence they not only understood Zhu's words clearly but also combined the Succession to the Way (Dao Tong) and the ordinance in the Four Books successfully. Moreover, they confirmed the connections between Cheng brothers and Zhu Xi's positions in the history of Confucianism. In order to publish a firm version, they also investigated the arguments of Rao'lu and Shuang fong Schools. The above manifested Xin'an scholars' academic achievements, which assisted the subsequent researchers, as well as the context of the development of the study of the Four Books in Ming Dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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