


A Review of the Royal Family's Ci-poetry in Việt Nam during Nguyễn Dynasty


武氏青簪(Vu Thi Thanh Tram)


越南漢文文學 ; 越南填詞 ; 越南詞學 ; 越南阮朝填詞 ; Chinese-written literature in Vietnam ; Vietnamese Ci-poetry ; Vietnamese Ci research ; Vietnamese Nguyễn Dynasty Ci-poetry




64期(2019 / 03 / 01)


63 - 97






Throughout its history from Former Lê Dynasty (980-1009) to Nguyễn Dynasty (1802-1945), Vietnamese classical Ci-poetry reached its peak during Nguyễn Dynasty. Ci-poetry collection, Ci-poetry talks, and Ci-poetics were recorded as invented during that time. In the course of this genre's development, the royals of Nguyễn Dynasty formed a very important force of contribution. However, most of the Nguyễn Dynasty royal family's Ci-poems documentations has been lost. This paper investigates Ci-poetry of this area through the creative work by Mien Tham, Trinh Than, Mien Trinh, Mien Bao, Mien Khoan who were royal members of Nguyễn Dynasty. First at all, this paper provides a brief overview of the context, including Ci-poet work, Ci-poetry writing background, masters, and reference books. Next, the analysis offers insights on Nguyễn royal members' view of Ci-poetry based on their remaining writings, including the prefaces and postscripts of Ci collection, and letters. Such an investigation will showcase their concerns with meter and rhyme scheme, elegant and uncouth restrained style of Ci-poetry. This paper aims to contribute a new perspective towards the research on Vietnamese Ci-poetry.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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