


Regazing with a Rebellious Spirit: Exploring Two Interpretive Pathways into Ji Kang's "Guan Cai Lun" and their Significance


吳冠宏(Wu Kuan-Hong)


嵇康 ; 相須思維 ; 管蔡論 ; 反叛 ; 權實關係 ; Ji Kang ; thought-embodiment connection ; Guan Cai Lun ; rebel ; power-truth connection




65期(2019 / 06 / 01)


45 - 81






Building on interpretive disputes regarding "Guan Cai Lun", this article aims to trace two interpretive pathways beyond the approach emphasizing historical truth and a stressing thinking method: "unveiling the hidden by making Guan's and Cai's thoughts connect with the truth" and "making power and truth meet by attending to the inner and the outer". This paper confirms the critical role the work has played in rewriting history, and on the other hand, it responds to the thought-embodiment connection underpinning Ji Kang's work. Through the re-visiting of the dilemma of "Guan Cai Lun", the author believes that the key to sidestepping from the situation is through "making Guan's and Cai's thoughts connect with the truth". This would make it possible for us to break away from the current disputes and relocate its value from the overall context of history. The "necessary theory" or "harmony theory" tends to reduce the critical need to unveil the hidden. "Guan Cai Lun" also points out Zhou Gong's extraordinary effort and marks the difficulty of saints' exercise of power. This shows Ji Kang's departure from the previous discourse, attempting to chart a new path based on Shi Li (real principle) and Quan Shi (interim measures). This study sheds light on the subtle interpretive pathways that involve making the implicit explicit and making power and truth meet, thus creating further space for mutual dialogues without regard to the traditional debate concerning liberated versus normative thinking. Through the revealing of the two interpretative pathways, we can re-gaze at the rebellious spirit of Ji Kang's work aimed at rewriting history, thus eliminating its historical controversy. As such, his work not only marks a pioneering development in the Wei-Jin's metaphysics and but also provides Taiwan facing a dilemma with a heuristic perspective.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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