


On the Argumentation and Narrative of Chinese Classical Prose in Pre-Qin and Early Han Dynasties Via "Anecdote"


蔡瑩瑩(Tsai, Ying-Ying)


短篇事例 ; 敘事 ; 論說 ; 修辭 ; Anecdotes ; Narrative ; Argumentation ; Rhetoric




66期(2019 / 09 / 01)


1 - 42






This essay discusses "Jin conquered the Yu and Guo" with the basic narrative theory of Chinese classical prose "anecdote". By analyzing the following features in Chinese classical prose, including different uses and characteristics of the same case in the Pre-Qin and Han Dynasties, the rhetoric utility and genre characteristics, the differences between scholars' arguments and historical prose and the significance of the two traditional historical systems in "narrative" and "chronicles". First, this essay explains the different research tendencies towards the anecdote in the Eastern and Western scholarship. Second, based on anecdotes in Pre-Qin scholar's texts, it points out that it reflects the rhetorical function of the anecdote on/off the brevity, flexibility of its form, and the ambiguity, adaptability of its interpretation. Third, by exploring the different types of historical narration of the anecdote in ZuoZhuan and Guoyu, it represented two systems of "narrative" and "chronicles" and analyze how does anecdote be expanded and tailored into a great historical narrative framework.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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