


A Study on the Form and Development of Repentance Ritual in the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties


紀志昌(Chi, Chih-Chang)


禮懺 ; 布薩 ; 八關齋 ; 菩薩戒 ; 大乘化 ; Repentance Ritual ; Poṣadha ; Eight Precepts ; Doctrine of the Bodhisattva ; Promotion of Mahayana Buddhism




66期(2019 / 09 / 01)


77 - 79+81-115






This essay examines the formation of "Repentance Rituals" in the Southern Dynasty based on the formal elements, and to investigate how the repentance of Poṣadha Buddhist monastics evolved to the repentance ritual of Mahayana Buddhism. Since Primitive Buddhism has no repentance ritual, and Buddha has stipulated Poṣadha as the main mode for repentance rituals. The repentance ritual form of initial Middle-Earth Buddhist' record of repentance rituals was ambiguous, it was gradually forming by the end of the Southern Dynasty, which showed that there was still a need to clarify. The repentance ritual not only changed the mode but expanded the spirit of repentance, which should still be the crucial point of the introduction to doctrine of the Bodhisattva and the formulation of the relevant Mahayana. In short, the scale of repentance rituals in the Southern Dynasty can be small or large, as well as routine and special in occasion application. Although the rituals, methods and purposes of each repentance are different, but they all contain intense concept of transference merits and virtues, which is also reflected on the "promotion of Mahayana Buddhism" movement fowards the Middle-Earth Buddhist'. As for The popularization of repentance ritual culture might also be associated with the meanings of existing classics. The mutual complementation of various sects further enabled repentance practices to be developed in a diversified manner.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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