


Li Ling's Phenomenon and its Life Choice in the Related Texts from the Han to the Tang Dynasties


汪娟(Wang, Chuan);陸穗璉(Lu, Sui-Lian)


李陵 ; 李陵現象 ; 生命抉擇 ; Li Ling ; Li Ling's phenomenon ; Life Choice




67期(2019 / 12 / 01)


57 - 59+61-100






Li Ling's literary works flourished from the Han to the Tang Dynasties, Li Ling's stories originates from The Records of Grand History and Book of Han, which is anchoring his life, and expand to poems of the Six Dynasties, poems of the Tang Dynasty and the Dun-huang manuscripts. Li ling was a good warrior but he failed in the war, he waited for the opportunity to serve the imperial court, but his behavior was misunderstood and cause his families being slaughtered. From the perspective of Li Ling's life, whether to cherish his own life then surrender or fight to the death for the honor, or even preserved his own life disgracefully and then seeking chance to tribute to his country? This is almost a life task faced by generals and soldiers for thousands of years. Therefore, Li Ling has become a model or reference object for the literati and generals who are struggling to live or die, wandering between Hu and Han, expressing their own characters and forming a wide range of sympathy and criticism, thus Li Ling's came into being. The essay aim to sort out the diachronic and synchronic texts related to Li Ling between the Han and the Tang Dynasties, in order to understand the views or evaluations of Li Ling from these texts of different times and categories, and to analyze the life and death choices and feelings of Li Ling and the authors of relevant texts.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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