"Bushidō" (ぶしど) is Japan's proud national spirit and fine tradition, which can boost the national spirit in Japan; it can be used as a model and means of ruling the colonies at abroad. Therefore, under Japanese colonial rule, Taiwan will also be baptized by the "Bushidō" of the colonists. This essay aims to explore this topic and look forward to the related issues about East Asia's Bushidō in the future. First, through the Strong Japanese government official color newspaper Taiwan Nichinichi Shinpō series as the scope of discussion, through the analysis of Taiwan's Chinese popular novels in the newspaper to explore the introduction and representation of "Bushidō" in Chinese Popular Fictions, and enables more and more Taiwanese writers and readers to understand the meaning of "Bushidō" while writing and reading novels. Second, to points out that the colonial government wants to publicize the spirit through the official newspapers and literary creation, and as a means of colonial rule, willing that the colonial people will be in line with Japan's "Bushidō". At last, to think about the ideological structure of "Bushidō" in Taiwan, and to explore the integration of "Bushidō" and chivalrous style of Japanese rule of Taiwan, is really related to its Confucian ideological structure. Through the discussion and combination of the above aspects, the acceptance of "Bushidō" in the colonial Taiwan of Japan will be sketched out. Although there are many extended issues to be studied, they will become the thinking point of the study of the spiritual history of East Asia in the future.
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