


Content, Chi and Style: An Analysis of Xie Zhang Ting's Ci Theory


陳慷玲(Chen, Kang-Ling)


謝章鋌 ; 意言 ; 詞氣 ; 詞量 ; 詞史 ; Xie Zhang Ting ; content and wording ; Chi of Ci ; a wider perspective of Ci ; history of Ci




69期(2020 / 06 / 01)


205 - 235






Xie Zhang Ting (1820-1903) was born in Zhang-Le County, Fu-Zhou Fu, Fu-Jian Province. He was an important Ci writer and theorist in the late Qing Dynasty. He has a passionate and generous personality and willed to utilize his writings to serve the country. Xie thought Ci was not unorthodox, and it related to the poet's personality and morality. At his time, the Zhe-Xi Ci school overemphasized Ci's formality and impaired its content and meaning. Ci doctrine was deeply challenged. Therefore, Xie proposed "Gong Yi," "Zhe Chi," and "Li Ge." to reverse this trend. First, "Gong Yi;" tries to clarify the relationships among content, meaning, and wording. Second, "Zhe Chi," analyzed the importance and methods of cultivating the poet's Chi and discussed the connection between the poet's flow of Chi and his writing. He also explored the difference of Ci energy, or Ci Chi, between Southern Song poets Xin Qi Ji and Jiang Bai Shi. Third, "Li Ge" means establishing a style. Since Tang and Five Dynasties, Ci's literary genre had thrived and mostly performed in banquets. There was no lack of frivolous Ci poems; therefore, the rather vulgar Ci style caused Xie to propose a wider perspective and adopted a historical method to expand the artistic conception of Ci and establish an elevated Ci style.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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