


An Analyzing the Encounter in Wang Da-Hong's Architectural and Literary Text from the "Off-Modern" Perspective


黃資婷(Huang, Tzu-Ting);傅朝卿(Fu, Chao-Ching)


王大閎 ; 離現代 ; 建築與文學 ; 類烏托邦 ; 《幻城》 ; Dahong Wang ; Off-Modern ; Architecture and Literature ; Quasi-Utopia ; Phantasmagoria




69期(2020 / 06 / 01)


237 - 239+241-283






Based on the concept of "Off-Modern" coined by Svetlana Boym, this essay is divided into four parts to interpret Wang, Da-Hong, the representative architect of Taiwan in the post-World War II. First, to analyze how "Off-Modern" can be different from modernity. Second, attempts to transcend the postcolonial view of history and to think about how Wang romps between the "US-aid Literary Institution" and "National Literary Institution" by Clifford's "root" and "path" concept. Third, by a combination of Wang's architectural and literary works, to analyze the text takes the moon as the clue, and the architect /author builds a quasi-utopia patterned after a nostalgic science fiction book. It is essentially an epitome of the unfinished dream of youth. The "moon-like window" is a typical Chinese architectural concept, and it is also paving the way for Wang's fiction Phantasmagoria to draw close the intertextuality and superposition between architecture and literature. Wang's later composition escaped from the entity nation to avoid modernism, which has been worshiped by laymen as the touchstone in practically and incompletely and rewrites the history of spatial imagination from the past to the future. It constructed a utopia as the place of youth dream rewritten the history of spatial speculation that never came. Svetlana Boym's "Off-Modern" reminds people to think about the alternative genealogy and history of modernity, enlightening people to ponder the modern experience in various states and forms across the world to excavate more possibilities of "encounter" in Wang's architectural and literary text.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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