


A Tentative Discussion on Publication Times, Copy Collation, Connotation, and Influence of Notes and Commentary on Tao Yuan Ming's Anthology




陶淵明 ; 李公煥 ; 湯漢 ; 曾集本 ; 忠憤說 ; Tao Yuan Ming ; Li Gong Huan ; Tang Han ; Zeng Ji's Collection of Tao Yuan Ming's Poetry ; The Loyalty-Hatred Theory




69期(2020 / 06 / 01)


77 - 124






Li Gong Huan Complied ten volumes of Notes and Commentary on Tao Yuan Ming's Anthology in the later years of the Southern Song Dynasty. He took Si-Yue (namely Shao-Xing) like the manuscript, he assisted by Xuan He Wang Shi, Zeng-Ji, and Tang-Zhu as copy, to proofread the poems and articles in Notes and Commentary on Tao Yuan Ming's Anthology. Li's notes helped Tang Han and the former sages' annotation also influenced later generations' style. Tao's Poetry content in the compilation substantiates the deepening and development of Tang Han's research on Tao's Poetry. The importance of Li's Notes, which handed down for generations, has been inherited by its academic achievements, revised, and commented. It has an essential permanent position in the history of interpretation and acceptance of Tao's Poetry. Also, the "Loyalty-hatred" which noted by Li's from Tao's poetry is helpful for Confucian, and later generations to express their depression, resentful, and melancholic to the imperial power. Moreover, various scholars are deeply influenced by Li's comments, which is hiding resentment and yearnings to original dynasties. Thus, Tao's theory of the "Loyalty-hatred," which noted by Li, is of great importance in the history of its development.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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