


On the Friendship between Shen Guang Wen and Ji Qi Guang - Taking Dong-Yin Poetry Society as the Main Field


王建國(Wang, Chien-Kuo)


沈光文 ; 季麒光 ; 東吟社 ; 雅集 ; 孟嘉落帽 ; Shen Guang Wen ; Ji Qi Guang ; Dong-Yin Poetry Society ; Elegant Assembly ; Meng Jia Uncaps




70期(2020 / 09 / 01)


109 - 156






Shen Guang Wen (1612-1688) and his family took a boat from Kinmen to Quanzhou, when the boat crossed the Wei-Tou Sea, it suddenly encountered a hurricane and drifted to Taiwan in 1651. Ji Qi Guang (1634-1702) was commended as the first county magistrate of Zhu-Luo in Taiwan in 23rd year of Kangxi (1648). Shen asked to meet Ji immediately after Ji arrived in Taiwan, and Shen palled with Ji after he revealed his poems to him. Hence, they chanted together and formed Taiwan's first poetry society- Dong-Yin Society, which has made great efforts to promote the style of writing style and has a far-reaching impact on the development of later literature. This paper examines Shen's "Preface of Dong-Yin Poetry Society" and explore his mood change of "Belong to the Qing dynasty." In particular, through the dialogue in Ji's "Assessment of Dong-Yin Poems," and their interrelated poems and essays, this paper aims to fully present the appearance of the Elegant Assembly of Dong-Yin Society. It is obvious that Dong-Yin Poetry Society has the meaning of a key turning point in the two-person friendship; on the one hand, Dong-Yin Poetry Society was born under the auspices of the two-person, on the other hand, the Dong-Yin Poetry Society also turned to the private exchanges in the future, and then explained its significance in the poetics or literary history of Taiwan.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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