


Literati on the Age of Multipolarity: Study on Relationships between Xiao Cha's Poetic Writing and Other Writers in Last Liang Dynasty


祁立峰(Chi, Li-Feng)


西梁 ; 蕭詧 ; 蕭綱 ; 蕭繹 ; 庾信 ; The Western Liang ; Xiao Cha ; Xiao Gang ; Xiao Yi ; Yu Xin




78期(2022 / 09 / 01)


1 - 30






In 555 A.D., the Western Wei assaulted Jiangling, ultimately ending Liang Emperor Yuan's reign. With the support of the Western Wei, Xiao Cha (519-562), came to the throne in Jiangling and was known as the Later Liang or Western Liang. The Western Liang Dynasty lasted 33 years, with three emperors, Xiao Kui and Xiao Zong, until Xiao Zong was crowned Duke of Ju and his younger sister married a prince of Sui, Yang Guang, subsequently Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, and the Western Liang Dynasty was destroyed. During the Great North-South Divide, the Western Liang was a partisan administration that relied on northern dominance as a buffer against the Jiangnan dynasty. Despite being political rivals, Xiao Cha's lyrical works were stylistically and conceptually similar to those of Xiao Gang, Xiao Yi, and Yu Xin. The term "multipolarity" is now used to define the nation-state. Literature and culture, in comparison to political and military national strength, can be regarded soft power and a metaphor for the nation. This paper focuses on Xiao Cha's poetic works and attempts to discuss the complex and similar correlations and symbolic meanings between his poetic works and other late Liang Dynasty writers from the political, historical, cultural, and literary aesthetic levels from the standpoint of the multipolarity state.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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