


From Hai-yin Temple in Mount Lao to Keelung-The Pursuit and Destination of Life of the Poet Monk, Master Ben-Ji


謝明陽(Hsieh, Ming-Yang)


海印寺 ; 印光法師 ; 本際法師 ; 靈源法師 ; 劉泗英 ; Hai-yin Temple ; Master Yin-Guang ; Master Ben-Ji ; Master Ling-Yuan ; Liu Si-Ying




80期(2023 / 03 / 01)


119 - 121+123-155






Master Ben-Ji (1884-1968), secular named as Long Can, was from Tongcheng, Anhui, and he became a monk after coming to Taiwan. In the 19^(th) year of the Republic of China, Long Can arrived Mount Lao in Qingdao and realized the vast emptiness, swearing that he would do sadhana here after becoming a monk. He then knew that Nalouyan Cave, where Master Han-Shan did sadhana, and the site of Hai-yin Temple built by Han-shan, is in Mount Lao. Thinking of the injustice Master Han-shan suffered, he had a feel of lament. In the 29^(th) year, Master Yin-Guang sent a letter to Long Can, and encouraging him by saying that Mount Lao was the place where Master Han-Shan carried forward, and things were up to one with will. Long Can kept these words in mind, seeing the reconstruction of Hai-yin Temple as his responsibility. At this time, Long Can was hiding in Zhan-Shan Temple in Qingdao. He received commitment from an industrialist, Wu Fan promised to help to fulfill this wish, but unfortunately it backfired. In the 38^(th) year, Long Can came to Taiwan, following Master Nan-Ting to become a monk. The dream of reconstructing Hai-yin Temple still could not be achieved. Until the 47^(th) year, Master Ben-Ji decided to take the advice from a householder, Cai Yun-Chen, of reconstructing Hai-yin Temple in Taiwan. In the 49^(th) year, Master Ling-Yuan invited Ben-Ji to Shi Fang Da Jue Temple in Keelung to beat the heat. Ben-Ji then purchased Fo Tuo Lin beside the temple through serendipity. He rebuilt the temple, set up Hai-yin Temple on Mount Kangle in Keelung. The poet monk, Master Ben-Ji had composed poems with expectation when he was pursuing Hai-yin Temple in Mount Lao. Afterwards, he considered Hai-yin Temple in Keelung as the place he belonged, and he versed with the poet, Liu Si-Ying. This essay will study the progress of this life of poetry.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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