In the Han Dynasty, Confucianism was revered by the Emperor, achieving the position of state orthodoxy and becoming the dominant ideology of imperial China. Confucianism remained the mainstream in Chinese society and culture until the downfall of the Qing Dynasty. However, when and how Confucianism became the orthodoxy and the mainstream of Han Dynasty China remain unclear. A traditional understanding of this subject is that Emperor Wu of Han adopted Dong Zhongshu's suggestion and revered only Confucianism. However, this subject is controversial in Japanese academia, and scholars have been divided on this topic. This approximately 50-year-long controversy is called the controversy of the "Establishment of Confucianism as State Teaching." The "Establishment of Confucianism as State Teaching" is a cross-cutting topic, but to the author's best knowledge, few reviews on this controversy are available in the Chinese literature. Therefore, this article reviews and reflects upon the controversy to help readers in Chinese academia gain a better understanding of the matter.