


Chinese Humanitarianism in the Period of the May Fourth "New Cultural Movement" (1915-1925)




丘為君(Eugene W. Chiu)


人的發現 ; 人道主義 ; 和平主義 ; 個人主義 ; 博愛主義 ; the discovery of human being ; Humanitarianism ; Pacifism ; Individualism ; Philanthropism




66卷1期(2021 / 03 / 01)


1 - 35






Chinese humanitarianism was a thrilling slogan in the period of the May Fourth "New Cultural Movement" from 1915 to 1925; it was not only a fiery-spirited slogan for calling young people, but also a significant mark manifesting the main characters of "New Cultural Movement". Clearly, this mark performed on both literature and the intellectual movement. Humanitarianism of the May Fourth "New Cultural Movement" strongly criticized and attacked the traditional humanitarianism of Confucianism by publishing the New Youth magazine and the Renaissance magazine; it entirely negated moralism-based Confucian tradition. This paper attempts to explore three models of humanitarianism during the period of "New Cultural Movement": the model of individualism, the model of pacifism, and the model of philanthropism. This paper also tries to clarify this concept by a larger framework, to discuss the role and meaning of humanitarianism in the Enlightenment, and to explore its connection with foreign cultures.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
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