


Acoustic Analysis of the Citation Tones in Miaoli Sixian Hakka: Based on Semitone Transformation Formula




鄭明中(Ming-Chung Cheng)


半音 ; 四縣 ; 客家話 ; 單字調 ; 聲學 ; semitone ; Sixian ; Hakka ; citation tone ; acoustics




66卷1期(2021 / 03 / 01)


89 - 114




本研究利用聲學分析苗栗四縣客家話六個單字調,參與者為12名以苗栗四縣客家話為母語的中年層發音人(男女各半)。本研究首先採集這些發音人的單字調,接著利用PRAAT測量基頻長度,並在基頻曲線上平均選取11個點測量基頻數值,隨後將基頻數值轉換為半音值(semitone﹝ST﹞value)。分析結果顯示,經半音值公式轉換的苗栗四縣客家話六個單字調的調值分別為﹝34, 31, 41, 55, 42, 55﹞,這個結果與運用T值公式轉換的結果差異不大。本研究發現,不論利用T值或ST值,傳統調查與聲學分析不一致之處均是低調域的單字調。有鑑於此,未來研究的重點應放在調值如何調整,從而使得低調域的單字調在傳統調查與聲學分析之間能趨於一致。


This study acoustically explored six citation tones in Miaoli Sixian Hakka (MSH) in terms of semitone transformation formula. Twelve middle-aged MSH native speakers participated in this study. First, this study recorded the citation tones of these MSH native speakers; then, PRAAT was used to measure F_0 duration. The F_0 duration was averagely divided into 10 portions, and the F_0 values of the 11 points were extracted. The extracted F_0 values were then transformed into semitone values. Using the formula, the tonal values of the six citation tones in MSH were [34, 31, 41, 55, 42, 55], similar to those obtained using the T-value transformation formula. This study found that the descriptive discrepancy between traditional survey and acoustic analysis lies in the citation tones in the low-tone register. Therefore, future studies should emphasize the modulation of tonal values to match acoustic analysis with traditional survey.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
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