


The Motivation and Connotations of Bookbinding and Book Adornment among the Ming and Qing Literati




黃文德(Wen-de Huang)


書籍形制 ; 裝潢 ; 藏書 ; 藏書家 ; physical make-up of books ; book design ; book collecting ; book collectors




67卷2期(2022 / 09 / 01)


75 - 95






Prior to the Song dynasty, Chinese books were predominantly in the form of bound scrolls (juan), and by the time of the Ming dynasty, thread or stitched bindings (xian zhuang) were gradually being adopted. Within this historical shift, a number of other transitional forms emerged, such as whirlwind binding (xuanfeng zhuang) and butterfly binding (hudie zhuang). These new forms of published materials foreshadowed the collection and identification of books and other documents by the literati of the Ming and Qing dynasties and inspired the trend for later book collecting communities to alter the bindings or decorative elements of their materials. The Rare Books Collection at the National Central Library provides an opportunity for patrons to observe how notable book collectors drove the evolution of the binding, and other physical features, of rare texts. This article highlights the motivations driving such efforts and analyzes the underlying personal and/or cultural connotations behind them. Book collectors came up with different binding styles or transformed other physical features of rare texts for various reasons, such as extending the lifespan of materials, marking the origin of a text, applying new decorative elements that had become customary, restoring ancient bindings, and exhibiting the results of their textual research; they may also do so for sentimental reasons, a love for book production or binding for its own sake, or a dissatisfaction with older book forms.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
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