


Exploring Cognition-Based Schema Changes for Cross-strait students to Pruchase Craft Cultural Products: A Qualitative Research Perspective




莊東燐(Tung-Lin Chuang);倪炎元(Yen-Yuan Ni)


文化創意產業 ; 文創商品 ; 基模理論 ; 紮根理論 ; Cultural and Creative Industry ; Cultural Products ; Schema Theory ; Grounded Theory




9卷2期(2017 / 12 / 01)


10 - 22




繼第三波資訊產業經濟後,文化創意產業(Cultural and Creative Industry)已被視為第四波的經濟動力,特別是金融海嘯後,各國靠的不再是經濟實力,而是文化的創造力。自2010 年兩岸簽署「兩岸經濟合作架構協議」後,兩岸產業的交流與合作更甚以往,文化創意產業亦不在話下。本研究以基模理論為基礎,透過縱貫性研究方法追蹤兩岸學生對工藝類文創商品的認知發展與轉變歷程,進而深入探討購買工藝類文創商品之因素,立意抽樣四位受訪者,經前後三個時間點深度訪談追蹤,以紮根理論為分析依據,以便能精確詮釋。經研究發現,兩岸學生購買工藝類文創商品的重要因素有實用性、感質、創意性、價值性與價格共五項,供兩岸文創業者及產官學研後續研究之參考。


Following the information industry as the third wave, cultural and Creative Industry has been regarded as the fourth wave of economic power. Especially after the financial crisis, the countries no longer rely on the strength of the economic but cultural creativity. Since the signing of the Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement in 2010, Cross-strait trade and cooperation more frequently than before, and cultural and creative industries as well. The main purposes of this study were twofold. First, conducted by qualitative research, it systemically investigated the cognitive change of the consumers who are college students in Taiwan to purchase cultural products from the schema-based perspective in different time (t1, t2 and t3). Second, from the viewpoint of grounded theory, it compared longitudinally the students' schema similarities and differences in terms of three periods, by using open coding and axial coding. Armed with the results, the consumers consider that the factors of practicality, quality, creativity, significance and cost are important to purchase cultural products.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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