This research performs a narrative analysis for the Japanese anime "La maison en petits cubes". By using content analysis, encode and count method, for the story structure strategy, lens design, animation language to discuss how the director narrates the story and enhances the story intensity. The result of this research shows that the anime accords the basic story structure of the Hollywood animation formula proposed by Chris Patmore; and the Todorov's 5 steps of story structure. In the initial equilibrium state of the story beginning, the director mostly adopts the unfocused narrative; In the steps 2 to 4 of the story, the director uses the internal focalization lens to express the character's inner emotions and ideas and tries to communicate for the key message of the story with the audience by using the external focalization lens in step 5. The director also combines the lens and animation language in his narrative skills. Through this research, we statistic the frequency of animation languages applied in story and find that the director uses the "metaphor", "symbol", and "sound" many times to improve the story strength. The director is good at using "metaphor" animation language to increase the tension of the story, and "penetrating" to emphasize the mood and emotional reaction of the character, and finally arranging the "symbol" into the plot to express the life situation of the character that successfully conveys the meaning of the story and effectively enhances the value of the story. The research results can provide references for script writing or animation short film creation.
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