


Effects of Color Scripts in Animated Short Films on Children's Emotions




劉淳泓(Chun-Hung Liu);潘思雅(Si-Ya Pan)


色彩腳本 ; 情感 ; 短片動畫 ; Color Script ; Affect ; Animated short film




14卷2期(2022 / 12 / 01)


39 - 52




動畫短片往往要在短時間內,讓觀眾隨著影片的起伏、以及角色的情緒而有所感受,「色彩腳本」(Color Script)的運用可能是達到此目的有效途徑之一,而色彩腳本的使用與否,是否真正能夠加強觀者情緒感受?為本研究之目的。本研究以實驗法進行,共招募289位國小學童為受測者,將受測者分為三組,分別觀看三個不同色彩配置版本的動畫短片:(a)版本一:原設定(一般組);(b)版本二:色彩腳本(加強組);(c)版本三:灰階(控制組)。各組觀看完不同色彩配置的動畫短片後,接著進行情感量表問卷。研究結果顯示觀看色彩腳本配置的版本二,相對於沒有色彩腳本的組別有較高的情感喚起;這當中男生的對於版本二有較明顯的作用,女生對於三個版本沒有顯著差異;在不同年級間,也觀察到低年級和高年級對於版本二皆有最高的喚起。意謂著動畫中透過色彩腳本的運用,確實能夠強化觀者的情感;而當中的性別與不同年級間的差異,亦可作為設計實務上的參考。


Animated short films often strive to make audiences experience ups and downs and to empathize with the characters' emotions in a short period; color scripts may be an effective method of achieving this goal. Through an experiment, this study investigated whether color scripts enhance viewers' emotional experience. The participants, 289 elementary school students, were assigned to one of three conditions: (a) an inherent color treatment (V1) in which objects' normal colors were used, (b) a color script treatment (V2) in which colors were enhanced by the characters' emotions, and (c) the control condition (V3) in which the animated film was completely grayscale. The results indicated that V2 resulted in more emotional arousal than did the condition without a color script. V2 strongly affected the male participants, whereas the effects of the three conditions on the female participants did not differ significantly. In addition, V2 had the strongest effects on students from both lower and upper grades. The results indicate that color scripts can enhance viewers' emotional experience. The differences in effects between genders and grades can be used as a reference for design practice.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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