


Establishing a Governance Structure of Promoting Environmental-Friendly Travel in Taiwan: A grounded Theory Approach




葉明勳(Yeh, Ming-Hsun)


負面觀光衝擊 ; 環境友善旅遊 ; 治理機制 ; 紮根理論 ; negative tourism impacts ; environmental-friendly travel ; governance structure ; grounded theory




10期(2015 / 12 / 01)


1 - 25




負面觀光衝擊對於環境的破壞甚大,直接或間接影響人類生活品質,因此如何建構一個推廣環境友善旅遊的治理機制,減少旅遊過程中的環境破壞,是本研究的重點。本研究透過紮根理論,以理論抽樣方式,訪談13 位專家學者;利用開放編碼、主軸編碼及選擇編碼進行資料分析,建構臺灣推廣環境友善旅遊的治理機制應有之形貌。其中,有三大命題必須重視,包括「環境教育落實有待加強」、「業者投入環境友善旅遊市場的誘因與輔導機制」及「政府相關部門整合的必要性」。最後,本研究依據選擇編碼,界定出故事線,以敘事形式撰寫故事內容,發展出研究結果的核心範疇,命名為「臺灣推廣環境友善旅遊的治理機制」,透過圖解方式說明該治理機制可能的理論意涵。


Tourism industry has brought numerous negative impacts to the environment, economy and society, which directly or indirectly influence human beings' quality of life. This study aims to establish a framework of promoting environmental-friendly travel industry to reduce the negative environmental impacts which were created by the tourism industry. This study interviewed 13 experts who have expertise in environmental-friendly travel industry / research. The data analysis method was using grounded theory approach, which started with open code, axial code and selective code. The results suggested three major paths to develop a governance structure of promoting environmental-friendly travel in Taiwan, including: promoting environmental education in tourism industry, providing incentives of promoting environmental-friendly travel for relevant stakeholders, and integrating relevant governmental agencies to help promote environmental-friendly travel.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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