In recent years, as Web 2.0 gains its popularity, the audio and multimedia effects on the web pages are more diverse, interactive, and abundant. Now, the social networks are hot, such as Facebook, Plurk, Twitter, Free Blog, Xuite, smart phones, and emails have their tremendous influences which cannot be neglected. According to the statistic of ComScore company to the end of 2011, there were 794 million people visited Facebook monthly; each person spend 377 minutes, that is more than 6 hours, on social networks. Recently, 165 anti-fraud hotline of National Police Agency has found there were consecutive social network attacking cases. In view of the prosperous of the Internet, the social engineering attacking is derived from the former emails to social networks today. If we do not pay attention to and strengthen the information security management, the information security cases will repeat itself. The influences will be broadened, and the lost and damage is beyond calculation. This research discusses the social engineering attacking related to social networks and compare these information security cases according to case analysis method.
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