


A Study of Security Threat for Social Engineering Attack




方仁威(Fung, Ren-Wei)


資訊安全管理系統(ISMS) ; 社交工程攻擊 ; 跨網站指令碼攻擊(XSS) ; 威脅 ; 資安事件管理標準 ; Information Security Management System (ISMS) ; Social Engineering Attack ; Cross-Site Scripting ; Threat ; ISO/IEC TR 18044




11期(2016 / 03 / 01)


33 - 52




隨著Web 2.0 與網際網路的普及,使得網頁上呈現的影音與數位多媒體更加多元、活潑與豐富。現今,社群網站充斥,如:Facebook、Plurk、Twitter、Xuite、Yam 天空部落等社群網站及智慧型手機、Email 等虛擬社群工具影響力強大,依ComScore 公司統計調查指出,每個月約有7.94 億人造訪臉書(Facebook),每人平均花377 分鐘,也就是超過6 小時掛在社群網站上使用。警政署165 防詐專線發現近期接續發生層出不窮的數起社群網站社交工程攻擊事件;有鑑於此,隨著網路的興起,促使以往多為電子郵件類社交工程攻擊演進成現今以社群網站為主的社交工程攻擊資安事件正不停上演,就連美中兩大強權的歐習會及今年剛召開的APEC 經濟領袖會議中網路安全亦是討論的主要議題,故這類的攻擊手法若未能加以重視、面對且強化資安管理的相關作為,則類似的資安事件將可能不斷擴大並衍生難以估計的災損。本研究將探討有關社交工程相關的攻擊威脅類型,將針對這類資安事件以案例分析法做一探討與剖析比較,另探討ISO/IEC 27001 資訊安全管理標準中與社交工程攻擊相關之管控措施結合ISO/IEC TR 18044 資安事件管理標準作業流程,藉風險評鑑分析及建置完善的評估處理步驟等,使相關事件的發生問題傷害能逐步降低,以遏止相關社交工程攻擊威脅一再上演。


In recent years, as Web 2.0 gains its popularity, the audio and multimedia effects on the web pages are more diverse, interactive, and abundant. Now, the social networks are hot, such as Facebook, Plurk, Twitter, Free Blog, Xuite, smart phones, and emails have their tremendous influences which cannot be neglected. According to the statistic of ComScore company to the end of 2011, there were 794 million people visited Facebook monthly; each person spend 377 minutes, that is more than 6 hours, on social networks. Recently, 165 anti-fraud hotline of National Police Agency has found there were consecutive social network attacking cases. In view of the prosperous of the Internet, the social engineering attacking is derived from the former emails to social networks today. If we do not pay attention to and strengthen the information security management, the information security cases will repeat itself. The influences will be broadened, and the lost and damage is beyond calculation. This research discusses the social engineering attacking related to social networks and compare these information security cases according to case analysis method.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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