


Spiritual Evolution of Enlightenment -Exploring the Mysticism From the "Exodus"




王琮賢(Wang, Tsung-Hsien);黃孔良(Huang, Koong-Liang)


密契主義 ; 煉金術 ; 個體化原則 ; 原型 ; 靈性進化 ; 花精療癒 ; Mysticism ; Alchemy ; Principium Individualizations ; Archetype ; Spiritual Evolution ; Flower Essence




18期(2017 / 12 / 01)


47 - 74






Modern people indulge in money, power, status and enjoyment, and gradually forgotten their own intrinsic nature. The essence of the Mysticism is to put the eyes closed, turn inward and deep and mysterious experience of the internal evidence, from which to oneness with God (or Tao) realm. In the complex and changing life of things, things have some common form of commonality, Plato called Eidos, St. Augustine called Archetype, and Carl Jung is followed Archetype. "Exodus" read from the surface meaning of the Old Testament, about how the Jews were persecuted by Egypt and led by Moses to lead the story of Egypt. However, by means of secrecy to explore the hidden meaning, "Exodus" is also a person from the dark into the bright enlightenment, is the journey of inner hero, but also the principium individualizations of personality development, this process is also known as spiritual evolution. And because of the traditional Flower Essence focus on emotional dialectics, more than the neglect of the overall life structure of the interaction and spiritual evolution, therefore, the final study of Flower Essence and spiritual evolution is carried out in a holistic description, as the inner hero journey hovering, loop up the Complementary Therapy way.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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