


The Global Economic Sector Is Reshaping in the Late Stage of COVID-19




王珍一(Wang, Chen-I)


疫苗普及率 ; 經濟成長 ; 疫苗供給 ; 新冠肺炎 ; Vaccine penetration rate ; Economic growth ; Vaccine supply ; COVID-19




34期(2021 / 12 / 01)


81 - 115




2020年,全球因新冠肺炎疫情肆虐,除了造成全球2億多人確診,也使全球經濟大倒退,然而強國政治下,疫苗研發、供給也成為新轉機,本次研究透過Google COVID-19統計資料,進行數據分析,藉由數據顯示人口分流狀況,判讀各國當前疫情下生活習慣、消費模式、工作,進而了解疫苗施打前後對國家發展差別,而從研究中發現疫苗施打對於穩定國家經濟發展佔有不可或缺重要因素,特別是疫苗普及率高國家,在全球疫情仍未停止下佔有重要立基點。而以美國為首等西方富裕國家更是掌控疫苗供給,對於未來全球疫苗供給和市場發展,更是壟斷醫療資源,這也形成國家與國家之間相互競爭。其中也包含過去美中貿易戰的角力延續,而全球經濟核心仍將圍繞中美兩強對抗。


In 2020, the world is raging due to the new crown pneumonia epidemic. In addition to causing more than 200 million deaths worldwide, it also caused the global economy to go backward. However, under the power of the country, vaccine research and development and supply have also become new opportunities. This study uses Google COVID-19 statistics. , Conduct data analysis, use the data to show the status of population diversion, judge the living habits, consumption patterns, and work of the current epidemic situation in various countries, and then understand the differences in the development of the country before and after the vaccine is administered. From the research, it is found that the vaccine is effective in stabilizing the country's economic development. Possession is an indispensable and important factor, especially in countries with high vaccine penetration rates, occupying an important starting point while the global epidemic has not stopped. The wealthy Western countries, led by the United States, are even more in control of the vaccine supply. For the future global vaccine supply and market development, it will monopolize medical resources, which also forms competition between countries. It also includes the continuation of the US-China trade war in the past, and the core of the global economy will continue to revolve around the confrontation between the two powers of China and the United States.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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