


The Validity of Autonomous Regulations and the Practice of the Autonomy-Take the Controversy over the Import of the Beta Receptor Ractopamine Announced by the Central Government in 2020 as an Example




林昱妏(Lin, Yu-Wun)


自治法規 ; 自治權 ; 制度性保障 ; 憲法訴訟法 ; Autonomy regulations ; autonomy ; institutional guarantees ; Constitutional Court Procedure Act




36期(2022 / 06 / 01)


77 - 100






Article 111 of the Constitution: "Those whose affairs are consistent with the whole country belong to the central government, those with the nature of unity of the whole province belong to the province, and those with the nature of a county belong to the county. In case of disputes, they shall be resolved by the Legislative Yuan." The system of equal rights was constitutionalized and became the basis for the division of power between the central and local governments. Disputes over the legislation and exercise of autonomy between the central government and local governments are often due to differences in the central and local ruling parties, deepening inter-governmental standoffs and increasing the political sensitivity of events. Recently, Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan with other local legislatures raised a legal conflict over the central government's announcement to open the import of beta receptor ractopamine containing pork. This article attempts to clarify the connotation and effect of central decrees and local autonomous laws and regulations, in order to clarify the effectiveness and exercise of autonomy, the separate jurisdiction and operation of the central government and local governments on the governance of autonomy and decentralization. The exercise and operation of the legislative power of autonomy must be examined the connotation of self-government power. The Judicial Yuan's Interpretation No. 498 affirmed that "autonomy is a system guaranteed by the Constitution". Now, the Constitutional Court has made the 111-year Constitutional Judgment No. 6: "The safety tolerance standard of beta-receptor residues in imported meat and its products is a matter of central legislation." This major disturbance and constitutional crisis have finally subsided. The protection of autonomy has become a modern political trend. It is suggested that countermeasures should be sought through legal, political and institutional aspects to formulate and improve local autonomous laws and regulations. Local governments should seek the support and cooperation of the central government to achieve a model of modern government governance featuring separate management and co-governance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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