Since 2000, Europe has promoted university mergers, with the main purpose of making more efficient use of the funding for education, which is performance based. Moreover, these efforts are aimed at focusing resources and attracting more foreign students, increasing research funding, and emphasizing interdisciplinary learning to cultivate the talent required for Europe’s future development. Taiwan is facing problems associated with a declining birthrate; therefore, it would also benefit from resource integration, increasing performance-based funding for education, and enhancing international competitiveness. For the development of universities in Taiwan, a literature review and document analysis were conducted to analyze the European University Association’s project “Designing strategies for efficient funding of higher education in Europe” as well as the impact of relevant factors, and secondary data analysis was performed to examine statistical data obtained from the Department of Statistics, Ministry of Education. The results indicate that Taiwan can (a) use the university system or federal mode to promote mergers and integration of public and private universities, (b) encourage universities to reduce the student–teacher ratio, (c) strengthen doctoral education and the research capability of undergraduate students, and (d) enhance interdisciplinary teaching and lifelong learning in universities.
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