In this study, a preschool that adopted Montessori education was examined, and the use of this education method in conjunction with the whole language approach was investigated. Qualitative data analysis was employed, and 13 children were recruited as research participants. Data were collected from various sources, including teacher interviews, consultation meetings hosted by professors, classroom observations, teaching reflection dairies, and subject to cross analysis. The results were as follows: (a) when the whole language approach was used in accordance with the Montessori education theory, eight language activities of listening and speaking abilities and nine activities of reading and writing abilities were obtained. (b) The activities involving Montessori education theory, which required the children to practice various daily life actions (e.g., catching, pouring, scooping, knocking, turning, clipping, cutting, folding, wearing, stripping, pounding, piercing, weaving, cutting and pasting, cleaning, and transporting), initiated the children into the indirect preparation stage. (c) The activities involving the four major domains (i.e., visual identification, spatial identification, listening and speaking, and reading and writing) subsequently initiated the children into the official stage of writing and reading.
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