


A Study on the Effects of Using "My Anywhere Cards" and Art Media in Adolescents' Career Exploration Activity




陳嘉穎(Chia-Yin Chen);陳泔樺(Gan-Hu Chen);朱惠瓊(Hui-Chung Chu)


生涯探索 ; 我的任意門卡 ; 藝術媒材 ; career exploration ; my anywhere cards ; art materials




36卷2期(2019 / 12 / 31)


123 - 157






This study explored the effects of using "My Anywhere Cards" and art-making as a tool for adolescents' career exploration. The data was collected through art activities and interviews on 6 third grade senior high school students in Taiwan by employing the purposive sampling technique. Thematic Analysis was adopted in the research. To achieve this purpose, a career exploration activity and a semi-structured interview were conducted with the participants. As the result, this study found that using "My Anywhere Cards" and art creation can help adolescents in their career exploration. First, career exploration activities could help participants develop positive feelings. Through flexible forms of activity, they could help participants stay relaxed. For example, cards can enhance creative motivation, reduce defense, and help one figure out their future career plans, among others. Second, it could deepen one's self-awareness of their own career by providing an image in a career narrative space and promoting career self-awareness. The connotation of the card image creates a link between career exploration imagination and reality, and could also help one re-examine personal career interests. The use of any My Anywhere cards could be an auxiliary tool to project its values, produce the interpretation and choice of career exploration, and reproduce the picture of one's life experiences. Lastly, the use of the Cards effectively reduces defensiveness and career troubles. According to the results, it puts forward the relevant suggestions for practical workers and school career counseling.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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