


Applying "Comprehensive Musicianship" to the Freshman Theory Curriculum of Music Industry Majors




陳姿光(Tzu-Kuang Chen)


西洋流行音樂史 ; 音樂基礎訓練 ; 流行音樂和聲學 ; 流行音樂教育 ; 整合性音樂素養 ; western popular music history ; basic musicianship ; popular music harmony ; popular music education ; comprehensive musicianship




36卷2期(2019 / 12 / 31)


43 - 90






The purpose of this study is to explore the teaching practices, students' learning effectiveness, and teachers' and students' opinions of the approach of "comprehensive musicianship" applied to the curriculum of freshman theory for music industry majors. The researcher edited the "Music Theory Teaching Program," which applied "comprehensive musicianship" to integrate the contents of three subjects-Western Popular Music History, Basic Musicianship, and Popular Music Harmony-and then conducted a teaching intervention study. The results revealed that "comprehensive musicianship" can effectively integrate the contents of these three basic theory courses and improve students' musical style discrimination ability, groove aural skills, and harmony understanding. The vast majority of teachers and students who participated in the study agreed that teaching the basic theory curriculum with the approach of "comprehensive musicianship" is effective.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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