
Teaching as an Art in an Age of Science and Technology






Peter Lutzker


teaching as an art ; aesthetic education ; Waldorf education ; attunement ; resonance ; 教學作為一門藝術 ; 美感教育 ; 華德福教育 ; 調音 ; 共鳴




37卷2期(2020 / 12 / 31)


1 - 63




This study examines the dominant concept of education as a "hard science" as well as the widespread application of business models in the realm of education. Some of the implications of these views are discussed including the decisive role which standardized national and international testing play in current educational policies. The possible effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on education are also briefly considered in this context. A view of education and teaching as an art is considered as an alternative educational concept. Its historical origins in the West are explored as well as perspectives from prominent 20th and 21st century Western educators who have advanced this position. Waldorf Education and Waldorf Teacher Education are examined as long-standing examples of its practice. Finally, this study discusses some of the broader implications of this educational concept as well as its relevance in a world that is increasingly being shaped by digital technology.


本文主要在檢視教育被當作一種「硬科學」(hard science)的主導概念,連同商業模式在教育領域的應用。同時也討論了這些觀點的一些含義,包括標準化的國家和國際考試在當前教育政策中發揮的決定性角色。COVID-19大流行對教育的可能影響也一併檢視。本文提出將教育和教學視為一門藝術,作為一個替代的觀點,並探討其在西方的歷史淵源,以及20世紀和21世紀西方傑出教育家如何推動此一立場。華德福教育和師資培育被視為長期實踐此教育理念的例子。本文討論了此教育概念之一些更廣泛的影響,以及它與越來越受數位科技形塑的世界的相關性。

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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