
Subjectification and Resonance in Late Modern Bildung: The Global Model of Waldorf Education






Martyn Rawson


global education ; subjectification ; Waldorf education ; resonance ; 全球教育 ; 主體化 ; 華德福教育 ; 共鳴




37卷2期(2020 / 12 / 31)


65 - 100




This paper explores the significance of subjectification and resonance in global education. Assuming that all schools have the function of enabling socialization, qualification, and subjectification or becoming a subject, the paper argues that this latter process has been neglected because of a one-sided pursuit of qualification, which may lead to alienation. Using the Bildung educational theory and a globalized and postmodern perspective on this, it is suggested that the role of self-formation is an important counterbalance to neoliberal education policies and could offer a way to reconcile Confucian ideas of social harmony and postmodern notions of emancipation. Thus, this study offers a layered model of the Waldorf curriculum. This comprises a global and universally human level, based on an ideal-typical developmental progression, a meso level that offers a local-level skills and knowledge curriculum, and a micro level that requires individual teachers to practice skilled artistry. Furthermore, it is suggested that the role of the teacher should enable subjectification and that an effective teaching approach should counter alienation by seeking experiences of resonance. This model could also be applied beyond the Waldorf discourse.



主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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