This article points out that Mohist ethics have different levels in theory. The highest is the source of value: Will of Haven (天志). The second is the "principle of value," which includes the concepts of universal love (兼 愛), righteousness (義), and life (生). The third level is "ethical norms," such as, loyalty (忠), filial piety (孝), trustworthiness (信), integrity (廉), responsibility (任), benevolence (仁), etc. In theory, the lower level is derived from the upper level, and the upper level theory is the basis of the lower level discussion. In practice, actors must first have moral awareness, constitute an ethical thinking situation, and then follow ethical norms. The practice of moral behavior must be based on the ethical thinking situation, and the ethical thinking situation must be guided by moral awareness. However, even if the ethical norms play a role, there will still be some dilemmas or conflicts with certain value principles when it comes to moral choices. This involves the Mohist's cognition, reasoning, and weighing. Consider "Big benefits, small harm" as the criterion through the public interests and make trade-offs. In general, Mohist ethics have a theoretical system of hierarchy and rigor. In comparison to modern education, it also has its value worthy of reference.
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