


Laying the Foundation for a Learning Society: On the Protection of the Right to Education and the Right to Learning through the Acquisition of Core Competencies




郭展有(Chan-Yu Kuo)


受教育權 ; 核心素養 ; 終身學習 ; 學習權 ; right to education ; core competences ; lifelong learning ; right to learning




39卷2期(2022 / 12 / 31)


67 - 98




本文試圖以教育學及人權法學的綜合視角,省思我國當前的國民教育,並為十二年國教之推動提供若干建議。由PISA(Programme for International Student Assessment)所顯示我國素養習得之不平等現況出發,筆者認為受教機會的形式公平,實未能充分達成受教育與學習權的保障意旨;相對的,此保障的落實應在於使所有人均因核心素養的習得,擁有最低限度自我實現的條件,來適應現在生活及面對未來挑戰,從而追求持續的終身學習;故於國民教育階段,政府應進一步追求此教育成效之實質公平。唯有讓每人均公平享有實現自我與繼續成長之必要條件,我們方能在多元參與的學習社會,獲得學習權之最大實現可能。


Through the interdisciplinary perspective of education and human rights research, this article attempts to rethink the current promotion of national education and provides suggestions on the implementation of 12-year basic education in Taiwan. Starting with the phenomenon of unequal acquisition of competencies in Taiwan as demonstrated by the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), the author considers that formal equality of educational opportunities cannot fully accomplish the aims found in the spirit of the right to education and learning. In contrast, the achievement of these rights should be regarded as ensuring that all people acquire the necessary core competencies to meet the minimum requirements for self-actualization. By mastering these competencies, individuals can equip themselves for daily life and confront future challenges and therefore better develop themselves and pursue constant lifelong learning. Consequently, in compulsory education, the government should pursue substantive equality in the educational outcomes of core competencies. Only by providing everyone with the necessary conditions to freely advance their own personalities and grow continuously will we maximize the possibilities of realizing the right to learn for all people in an inclusive learning society.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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