


Mediation Effects of Employee Motivational Orientations on Relational Psychological Contract and Innovative Behavior Relationship: The Moderating Role of Supervisor Prosocial Motivation




蔡啟通(Chi-Tung Tsai)


心理契約 ; 利社會動機 ; 自我時間管理 ; 創新行為 ; psychological contract ; prosocial motivation ; self time management ; innovative behavior




35卷4期(2018 / 12 / 01)


533 - 579






Employees' innovative behavior contributes significantly to the success and long-term survival of organizations. According to social exchange theory of psychological contract, supporting one's relational psychological contract (RPC) is a major reason why many people innovate. Although motivational variable also plays an important mediating role in RPC-innovation relationship, research on examining a moderated path analysis of the effect of RPC on employee innovative behavior remains limited. Therefore, drawing on psychological contract theory, motivational orientations perspective and dual roles framework of manager, the study explore the relationship between RPC and employees' innovative behavior: a moderated mediation model of employees motivational orientations and supervisor prosocial motivation. Survey data on dyadic sample of 482 employees and 109 supervisors of service industry in Taiwan suggest that the employees who placed more importance on their RPC were more likely to perform innovative behaviors. HLM analysis indicated that employees' prosocial value motivation (SPM) and self time management (STM) mediated the positive effect of RPC on innovative behaviors, respectively. Furthermore, results revealed that supervisor's prosocial value motivation moderated the mediation effect of SPM between RPC and employees' innovative behaviors. Finally, the study concludes with a discussion of theoretical and managerial implications.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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