


Institutionalized Socialization Tactics and Newcomers' Psychological Adjustment: The Mediation Effects of Positive Moods, Self-efficacy, and Perceived Social Support




黃櫻美(Yin-Mei Huang);吳祉芸(Chih-Yun Wu);詹巧汝(Chiao-Ju Chan)


機構型社會化戰術 ; 新進員工調適 ; 正向心情 ; 自我效能 ; 知覺社會支持 ; institutionalized socialization tactics ; newcomer adjustment ; positive moods ; self-efficacy ; perceived social support




36卷4期(2019 / 12 / 01)


421 - 445






Based on the resource-building perspective, this study examines how institutionalized socialization tactics (context, content, and social tactics) impact newcomer adjustment (job satisfaction and turnover intention) through affective, cognitive, and social resources (referred to as positive moods, self-efficacy, and perceived social support) underlying newcomers' psychological processes. With a sample of 76 newcomers and 337 observations across six weeks, results indicate that content tactics were positively related to newcomers' weekly positive moods and self-efficacy, and that social tactics were positively related to positive moods, self-efficacy, and perceived social support. Moreover, positive moods mediated the relationship of content and social tactics with job satisfaction and turnover intention; self-efficacy mediated the relationship of content and social tactics with job satisfaction; and perceived social support mediated the relationship of social tactics with job satisfaction and turnover intention. Thus, our study contributes to a more comprehensive view of how positive moods, self-efficacy, and perceived social support act as simultaneous psychological resources induced by institutionalized socialization tactics during newcomers' entry.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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