


Perceived Upward Economic Mobility Affects Consumers' Future Temporal Focus




楊俊明(Chun-Ming Yang)


知覺經濟階級向上流動性 ; 未來時間焦點 ; 公正世界信念 ; 跨期選擇 ; 時間框架 ; perceived upward economic mobility ; future temporal focus ; just-world belief ; intertemporal choice ; temporal framing




37卷2期(2020 / 06 / 01)


129 - 168






Through six experiments, this research examines the effects of consumers' perceived upward economic mobility (PUEM) on future temporal focus and downstream consequences. The results show that consumers with high PUEM have stronger future temporal focus than those with low PUEM, and this effect is mediated by just-world belief (Study 1 and Study 4). Moreover, this effect could not be attributed to the influence of affective state and optimism. This research also demonstrates the effects of PUEM on several downstream delayed gratification behaviors (Studies 2-4). However, practitioners could enhance marketing messages' persuasiveness by matching their temporal framing with consumers' PUEM. Such PUEM-temporal framing fit could encourage consumers to buy health products (Study 5) and donate to charity (Study 6). This research contributes to the literature and offers insights for marketing practices.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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